India is the home for a forth of the world's population and of it the 65% has agriculture as their main occupation or rather their only source of employment. But it is surprising to see that only 15-18% of our GDP is contributed from agriculture and the share is constantly plummeting. On one hand millions of people sleep hungry every night whereas on the other hundreds of tonnes of wheat gets rotten down because of lack of adequate storage facilities. I suppose its time for India Inc. to divest some of its energy and resources to this field , before the conditions aggravates any further.
The aggressive industrialization and urbanization policies will do no good if the people still die out of hunger. Further more, if India wants to increase its GDP, then the first priority should be given to the field which employees the highest percent of people : agriculture.

However the conditions are not completely grave as some private and govt. aided companies have emerged as the savior like Reliance and ITC and also some entrepreneur. But the government should rise up to help before its too late.
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